Siqing Liu

Siqing Liu

Postdoctoral Researcher

Oslo University Hospital

The main goal of my project is to develop integrated experimental and computational methods to investigate the non-coding regions of the genome, and interpret our findings in the context of genetic disease, cancer, and differentiation. Non-coding RNAs and RNA-binding proteins regulate mRNA processing, transport, and degradation. We have established a platform for studying interaction among them and non-coding RNAs’ regulation pattern. Population specific genetic variation is the other aspect that we are looking at in the analyses of WGS, which will lead to a deeper understanding of gene expression and non-coding RNA dysregulation in the context of disease. In parallel, in collaboration with Susanne G. Dudman in the Department of Microbiology at OUS, we are developing the pipeline for the studies of viological genomics from the samples of clinical patients, for example, SARS-CoV-2.


  • non-coding RNA regulation
  • Population genetic variation in diseases
  • RNA virus and host interaction


  • PhD in Hydrobiology, 2014

    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

  • MSc in Wetland Resources and Environment, 2010

    Huazhong Agricultural University, China

  • BSc in Aquaculture Science, 2007

    Huazhong Agricultural University, China